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Lucio Diaz Wiki Pedia, Biography, Age, Family, Incident Detail

Lucio Diaz Wiki Pedia, Biography, Age, Family, Incident Detail
Biography of Lucio Diaz

Lucio Diaz Wiki Pedia – Lucio Diaz

A woman accused a janitor of contaminating her water bottles in her office, leaving her suffering from an incurable sexually transmitted disease. It all started when the victim, a married woman, and mother of two, noticed an unpleasant odor in the water dispenser intended for employees. When she started bringing her own water bottles into the office, she speculated that her own water bottle was contaminated with urine, which was confirmed by urine analysis.

The accused Lucio Diaz, 50, was charged with indecent and aggravated assault by means of a weapon. While working in an office on the East Freeway, the victim

became suspicious of illegal activity in August when she noticed an unpleasant odor emanating from a water dispenser for employees. But when she started bringing her own water to work in September, the same thing happened, and she speculated that her bottle was contaminated with urine.

Lucio Diaz’s Age

Lucio Diaz is 83 years old.

Incident Detail

A 54-year-old victim, who wishes to remain anonymous, told ABC13 that the arrested janitor was a "sick man." He explains the flow of this man's movement by saying that he "takes his dick out and puts it in my bottle, basically rinsing his dick in the water." Diaz was charged with indecent and qualified assault using a lethal weapon, both charges relating to the same nameless victim.

He continues: “I found out I had this (sexually transmitted disease) for which I also tested positive. It gave me a sexually transmitted disease that I will have for the rest of my life. Nothing's gonna change that. Nothing can make it better for me. " In fact, I feel like I'll have to be careful with the rest of my life. " Documents obtained from the court show that Diaz is in the care of the Immigration and Customs Office in an unclear situation.
The victim continued, “I want this to go to trial. I want him exposed for who he is, and I want him to pay for what he did to me and then deport him. HPD Serious Crime Officers believe that more people may be affected, and if so, Lucio Diaz may face more charges. The victim also explained that even after notifying authorities, Díaz was still working. The victim's attorney, Kim Spurlock, said, "They have a duty to protect their tenants, and they've completely failed in that duty."

Altera Fund Advisors, the owner of the building, shared a statement by Terry Quinn CEO in which he said: “Our management company immediately worked with the police department on this issue as soon as our tenant informed us of this potential problem. They were informed by the police not to alarm or approach the alleged attacker so that he could be arrested. He was arrested on his way back to the building.

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